The last outpost in the sea 

For many years, Bullerön was a hangount for famous artists and other prominent people. Artists like Bruno Liljefors and Anders Zorn and the author Albert Engström worked and socialized there. Later the newspaper owner and financier Torsten Kreuger bought the island.


We’ll stroll around the gorgeous island in the outer archipelago, learning about its history. We’ll visit Bruno Liljefors’ hunting lodge, where famous artists enjoyed lavish dinners and parties in the early 20th century.


We’ll travel to Bullerö from Orrön through the picturesque Nämdö archipelago. After a walk on the island, we can have a swim before returning to the mainland.

Price: SEK 900 per person, including lunch and coffee.

Boat från Idöborg: SEK 700 one way in small boat.

Sign up: By completing the form below or mail. Provide your telephone number and email address. 

Getting there: Take bus 433 towards Djurö, via Stavsnäs, or bus 434 towards Överby, via Stavsnäs. Get off at Stavsnäs Vinterhamn. You may also take your car to Stavsnäs Vinterhamn and leave it there (subject to a parking fee). 

From Stavsnäs Vinterhamn there are a Number of different ways to get to Beullerö:

Regular boat or charted taxi boat to Idöborg. From Idöborg we take a small boat the last part of the trip to Bullerö.

During peak season you can take a direct boat with Stavsnäs Båttaxi (Bullerölinjen) to Bullerö.

Direct charter: Groups of at least six people can charter a boat for around SEK 300 per person directly to Bullerö.

Clothing: Bring waterproofs and a sweater. If the weather is wet – wear boots. Otherwise, wear sneakers or hiking boots. Bring a thermos and a small backpack (daypack).

This activity is appropriate for groups of 4-12 participants.


• Guided walk
• Coffee and a light snack
• Lunch

Not included in the price:

Transports to and from the island